Sunday, June 23, 2013

New Thursday Teacher

Once a week another foreign teacher comes in to Nammun to divvy up some classes because there are too many. Usually that day is Wednesday and recently our Wednesday teacher quit. I posted some ads on Koreabridge to no avail. Solution? Move some classes around, change the day we need an extra teacher to Thursday and voila! Al is the new teacher! He usually works from 2-10 but now he gets to come in with me from 1-6:30 and then we have the rest of the evening to do whatever we please, unlike the other days of the week. He's been there two Thursdays now and apart from the smaller kids (he prefers older ones) he likes it. I'm sure he likes getting off at 6:30 more than the kids. 

Last week we walked outside to a bunch of the 6th graders playing baseball, to Al's great elation. He immediately jumped into the dirt, said, "I'm playing" and they happily let him join in. 

It's really nice getting to work with him once a week and have the evening open. He usually gets home at 10, we eat something small and head to bed. Not much fun. Although moving back to America next year is really daunting, the idea of having some normal working hours and a normal life is somewhat appealing. We'll take this for now!

1 comment:

  1. You will definately NOT have as much fun working in America as you do now
